Death Contract: 1.5.17



past midnight

I dreamt of facing death today. Someone held a gun to my head and at first I screamed, but then I surrendered to it. Simply to see what would happen, even if I died. What would happen on the other side? 


I’ve had this thought in my head for a bit now: What if we have made soul contracts with the people who take our lives? If we are to die at the hands of another, has this been firmly agreed upon before we got here? Thus, the stranger holding the gun to my head is fulfilling a duty of love to my very soul that I may reach my next level of evolution as a consciousness. 


I like this thought: that we are only ever looking at love in all experiences. On the other side, we can reconvene with winks and smiles and, “Well-played! What’s next?” as we plan out how else we will help each other to grow. 
