Answering Prayers: 12.5.16




I heard once that we, all who are alive today, are the answers to the prayers of our ancestors. Those who came before us and prayed for the future. Your life, my life, is the answer to a prayer. 


Reflecting on this simple statement is enough to last a lifetime of meditation and prayer in our own time. But, for me, it induces a sense of calm. I am alive as an answer – thus how I am choosing to live must be a part of that answer. I am not getting it wrong.


However, if this statement is true, then all lives, however they are lived, are the answers to prayers. Even those lives that we disagree with. That we feel are evil. That we fear. That we revile. That we wish to snuff out. 


We are a collective consciousness. All of us together living today. The entirety of how we are playing out then is the collective answer to the collective prayer of all of those who came before us. There is a school of thought that proclaims instead of saying, “I am,” singular; the more truthful declaration is “I are,” encompassing the collective. Thus even as an individual to state, “I are,” is to acknowledge your connectedness to the whole. That separation, even from each other inside individual bodies, is an illusion. 


So as some other body causes harm, I am thus a part of that harm. As some other body offers love and healing, I am thus a part of that love and healing. One ocean, with varying waves, of all the same water. My prayer for my descendants to answer then, is to be able to see that collective body of consciousness, like the collective body of water that is the ocean, that we all are. My prayer is I Are.
