Defiant Approval: 6.2.17




Sometimes it requires so much to give what we want to give, that intense periods of quiet and rest must be sat through, while we gather the strength. Perhaps this will appear as “hiding,” or not meeting your potential, in this crazed society of never-ending achievement. But that is purely up to perception. What if these “mental cocoons,” as I call them, were actually allowed, fully, without being judged? For in my experience, this is necessary.


Even laying in bed, totally terrified, is a right way to be, because that too brings insights and answers. 


Being in full approval of one’s self requires approving of all states of being. That’s the trick part. Because it feels so wrong. The work of approving is really intense work! It requires defiance!  Defiance of all the elements you might allow to stop you from being lush and in full bloom. Like an early spring flower pushing through snow; or Sunflowers hanging on long into October, after it’s already turned cold, refusing to wither just because the weather might say so. 


But that kind of strength doesn’t just come. It must be gathered, slowly and patiently, through what seems like an inordinately wasteful amount of nothing happening. If only we could simply trust that everything is happening, all the time, perfectly. 





2 Comments on “Defiant Approval: 6.2.17

  1. Yes! This! Resting is Such a challenge – not to feel wasteful. But it turns out resting is vital to your health! I’ve had mono and now pneumonia. I’ve been learning about resting.

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